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A visualisation project
These images were rendered with Cycles in Blender, and retouched in Photoshop

This project was designed by me and was inspired by the architect and designer Le Corbusier, specifically his Chapel at Ronchamp. It is a large interior for a museum/art gallery.

The space is made up of assets that I have made (the seats/ planters, stair platforms, pillars, walls, bridge, stepping stones, paintings, lighting fixtures, the figures, and the general infrastructure), some Quixel Megascans (the plants and rocks, some of the textures) and the sculptures which are from the British Museum's collection on SketchFab.
I texture painted my own models in Substance Painter, using textures from Substance and Quixel. The larger objects have tiled textures mixed with surface imperfection maps to create the illusion of no tiling and generated ambient occlusion maps.

The pattern on the stain glass window was generated using AI. It took me a number of iterations to get the desired look. I then took this as a base colour and using photoshop was able to generate opacity, ambient occlusion, roughness and normal maps.
Here are renders of some assets I made, with geometry view:

Lighting Tests:

Texture Map Examples:

Interchangeable Painting Textures for square format canvases. There is also a rectangle format.

Texture maps for a set of pillar pieces.

Texture maps developed from the AI generated Bauhaus-style stained glass window base colour.
(Clockwise from top left: BaseColour, Normal, AO, Opacity).

Base Colour/ UVs of some of my assets
(Clockwise from top left: Stair Platform, Planter,
Lights and Chain Piece, Footbridge)
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